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Your Personal Best

The Immortal Mr. Magoo
Bill Melvin
An Attack to Remember
Renze Rietveld
Big Upset
Dan Stolin
Martin Roper
Countering the Center
Jari Jarvenpaa
Five Perfect Moves
Michael Helsem
Warp 10
Dr. Hilmar Ebert
London Attack
Rene Phillips
Waco Pirc
Carmen A. Chairez
Man over Machine
Johan Blom
Mr. Tactics
John Morash
Fun by Funaro
Greg Funaro
A Masterly Grob
Tom Belke
Stealth Bomber
Joseph Hrostowski
Beats Bill
Thomas Katsampes
Bill's Best
Bill Wall
My Immortal Game
Charles Anthony
No Need to Castle
Arthur Checa
Urkrainian Best
Andrei Sher
Don’s Best
Donald Carrelli
With My Best Move
Mike Escoto
Battle of the Socialists
Maxim Gorky

Amberley excelled at chess —
one mark, Watson, of a scheming mind.

Arthur Conan Doyle