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Personalized Instruction


My name is David Hayes. I am the primary author of the Logical Chess and Logical Checks web sites. Occasionally, I tutor chess by email. I created this page to answer basic questions about email chess instruction. If you are interested in chess instruction by email to improve your chess game, then email me directly at dahleet@gmail.com.

Email Instruction is Simple

Here is how I conduct a course of instruction:

  • I begin by evaluating several of the student's recorded games. I provide analysis at key moves. The analysis not only includes a tactical assessment, but also outlines the strategic possibilities in key positions.
  • I provide the student with a summary of strengths and weaknesses. Naturally we focus on corrective measures for those weaknesses.
  • Finally, we play one or more correspondence chess games. The object of the game is to demonstrate lesson points; not to see who wins or loses. I often play weak lines specifically designed to test the student's understanding of the position.
  • This process is repeated as often as desired and necessary.
Chess Instruction
Chess Instruction
Questions and Answers
How long have you tutored chess?
I have tutored chess for the past 25 years part time.
Why do you feel you are an effective chess teacher?
My students (mostly scholastic) have won state individual and team championships. I am an active tournament chess player, and a Candidate Chess Master in the USCF.
How often would I need a lesson?
I teach as long as the student feels the need. The student pays as he goes.
How long does it usually take for your students to show improvement?
Instruction by email allows the student to proceed as fast or slow as desired. I recommend at least one email transaction per week. The student should feel improvement after the first lesson.
How much do you charge for lessons?
I charge $30 US for an hour of my time. Payment is due at the beginning of each hour. Generally, it takes about an hour to analyze and prepare an email response for a single game.

A successful chess player never loses, he either wins or learns.

David Hayes